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Top 100 Tiktok Belleza Videos (Malasia)
Nak nangis wei dapat merasa ditata rias oleh Dato Alha Alfa di hari bahagia Bella. tak pernah bayang ampa wei, dulu teringat masa mula2 buat live makeup Bella dok recreat looks Dato Alha, berangan la nak makeup mcm Dato. Bella nangis lepas tengok muka Bella lepas siap makeup kemaren, Terharu. #KallringtheBelle
I went to setia mall for a quick errand run , and unfortunately this happened . This is my first time experiencing something like this and it was so scary !!! I am home safely now , I hope and pray that the victims are ok 😭😭 stay safe out there 🙏 #setiacitymall #gunshot
Alhamdulillah Rezeki Kawen,macam tak percaya,Moga dipermudahkan
Kedai ikan bakar paling sedap dan murah,King Crab dia tu jadi igauan dalam mimpi uiii,Nenel pon approved taw @BAYU SHELLOUT WESTERN PENANG #makananviral #penangfoodie
memang wajib repeat,kedai dessert paling murahhh ni,bawa rm50 pon boleh beli 3-4jenis ni,terbaik @Augy Factory Dessert & Cafe #makananviral #penangfoodie
Allahuakbar,Al Fatihah,Kak sayang abah sangat2. Moga syurga untuk Abah. terima kasih Abah untuk segalanya.