15 Minutes
Top 50 videos calientes(15 Minutes )
sale starts this Friday!! #ulta #ultahaul #ultabeauty #ultaskintok #ultabeautyforward #beautymusthaves #makeuptips #makeupreview #ultabeautyhaul @Charlotte Tilbury @Fenty Beauty @Supergoop @Peach & Lily @TULA skincare
Makaron z krewetkami 🍤 Składniki na 2 porcje: 200g makaronu np linguine czy spaghetti 1 łyżka masła 1 łyżka oliwy 1 cebula szalotka 3 ząbki czosnku 20 sztuk krewetek sól i pieprz 1 łyżeczka wędzonej papryki 150ml śmietanki 30% 30g parmezanu pietruszka Przygotowanie: 1. Krewetki należy rozmrozić i oczyścić*. Wymieszaj je z oliwą, sola, pieprzem i wędzoną papryk. Odstaw na bok. 2. Zacznij gotować makaron. 3. Na patelni rozgrzej masło, wrzuć posiekaną cebulę szalotkę i ją zeszklij. Dodaj czosnek i smaż 1 minutę. Wrzuć krewetki i smaż kolejną minutę*. 4. Wlej na patelnię śmietankę, dodaj parmezan i gotuj ok 2-3 minuty. 5. Wrzuć makaron i pietruszkę, wymieszaj i gotowe! Smacznego 🍝 *Ja miałam już blanszowane krewetki, które wystarczy smażyć 1-2 minuty. Jeśli masz surowe (szare) krewetki, smaż je aż zmienia kolor na różowy. Polecam z krewetek usunąć od razu ogonki, łatwiej się wtedy je 🍤 #makaron #obiad #przepisy
save this hairstyle for later 🤝 or share it with your bestie 👯♀️ #hairstyle #hairtutorial
Braid neck method tutorial ✨ #hair #hairtok #hairvideos #hairgoals #longhair #healthyhair #heatlesscurls #heatlesshairstyles #heatlesshair #heatlesswaves #heatlesscurlstutorial #heatlessblowout #hairtutorials #hairtips #fyp
The best detangling brush for wet or dry hair🤗 The metal bristles help reduce static, product build up & stimulate scalp to promote natural hair growth & restore natural shine🤗🌟 @Jiji<3 @Habit.Shop habitshop.com @Habit Education #brush #hair #hairextensions #hairbrush #brunette #hairtransformation #hairby_chrissy
Some of this years prom trends we are loving!!!💖💖💖 #promdress #prom #prom2025 #prom25 #promtrend #tending #fyp #sherrihill #printdress #beadeddress #cutoutdress #austintx
@Sabrina Carpenter id go to the doctors if I were you think you might be allergic to making bad songs (WHAT A BANGER)
@Sabrina Carpenter 15 minutes on repeat 🙂↕️💕 #GymLife #fyp #sabrinacarpenter
My only client tho 😓 #hair #hairtok #hairinspo #hairinspiration #hairtips #hairvideos #hairstyles #hairstyle #hairtutorial #blowout #hairtrends #hairhack #hairtipsandtricks @Olaplex @Hairitage by Mindy @SHEGLAM
Volviendo mi casita inteligente por menos de 500 pesos 🫰🏼 lo conseguí en @Amazon México 🤍 #amazonfinds
Sabrina ready 💋 #sabrinacarpenter #shortandsweet #dublin
Sims 4 mods ✨drama edition✨ #sims4 #sims4mods #thesims4 #sims4cc
Sobre Short n' Sweet (Deluxe) de Sabrina Carpenter | #sabrinacarpenter #shortnsweet #elgarciajl #busywoman #15minutes #pop #popmusic #albumreview #newmusic
Replying to @Gab🩷 I could talk about sabrina carpenters shoes forever #sabrinacarpenter #sabrinacarpentermusic #christianlouboutin #nakedwolfe #shortnsweettour #shortnsweet
suddenly I’m getting DMs from ppl that ?? rejected ?? me ?? #yapper #GlowUp
Sabrina carpenter concert outfits 💋// inspo // @Cider #sabrinacarpenteroutfits #dublinshortnsweet #concertinspo
new beauty products at Target #targethaul #targetfinds #beautyproducts #newmakeup #targetmusthaves #viralmakeup #viralbeauty @MCoBeauty @Tree Hut @FRENSHE @ColourPop Cosmetics @Well People @lemme @sundaebody
Reacting to Sabrina Carpenter’s new song “15 Minutes” from her new album “Short n’ Sweet (Deluxe)” — this song immediately screams hit potential, love the way Sabrina walks the line of the 15 minutes of fame cliche and all that she can do with a special someone in 15 minutes. Is it better than “Busy Woman” though? #newmusic #popmusic #songreview #songreaction #musicreview #sabrinacarpenter #shortnsweet #musictok #react #musicreaction #shortnsweetdeluxe #15minutes @Sabrina Carpenter @Team Sabrina
You can have healthy and blonde hair #haircare #blondehair #hairtok #haircareroutine
some of the new products that launched at Sephora recently! #sephora #sephorahaul #makeupreview #MakeupRoutine #viralbeauty #makeupshopping #makeuptips #beautyproducts #newmakeup #sephoraconcealers @Saie @Sol de Janeiro @milkmakeup @Josie Maran @Kosas @touchland
UPDATED ROUTINE (subject to change constantly lol) Products used: @Crown Affair microfiber towel @Lola From Rio USA crema de pentear @functionofbeauty wavy hair mousse Lola From Rio Jelly Gel @Shark Beauty Speedstyle Pro Shirt and jeans are princess Polly Earrings are analuisa
Geez it just keeps playing on repeat send help
Nada como una buena burger casera… y esta esta otro nivel. 🔥🍔 Inspirada en las legendarias Animal Style de In-N-Out, pero con un toque casero que la hace aún mejor.✨ Para la carne: 500g Carne molida Sazonador al gusto 1 c Salsa Inglesa Queso Tomate Cebolla Salsa: 3 cucharadas de mayonesa 1 cucharada de ketchup 1 cucharadita de azúcar 1 cucharadita de vinagre blanco 1 cucharadita de pickles picaditos Cebollita caramelizada Mantequilla NONONO QUE COSAAAA
El segundo SNACK saludable de la serie sabe a POSTRE!🍓🍫 y son estas fresas con chocolate que vas a querer comer diario.😍 Solo necesitas: - Fresas (la cantidad que quieras) - Yogurt griego (cantidad al gusto pero mínimo 1/3 t) - 15-20g de chocolate 72% cacao de @ahcacao Derrite el chocolate en el micro en intervalos de 15seg. Sirve tu yogurt griego, después las fresas picadas y termina con el chocolate derretido. QUE DELICIA!😍🍓🍫 #fresasconchocolate🍓🍫 #snacksaludable #fresasconchocolate #snackfacil #nutriologamexico
freakbrina strikes again #sabrinacarpenter #shortnsweet #15minutes #typography #edit #typographyedit #drstrangeslover
Who’s excited to move out! #movingout #bedroomdecor
Using @Armani beauty 409 lip power matte 🩵💋 #makeuphacks #sabrinacarpenterdublin
If there's one thing I'm pretty good at, it's getting people blonde af #platinum #brightblonde #foils #hairtutorials
How cute is this pop up!!! I got Sabrina hair 💙 #sabrinacarpenter #redken #shortnsweettour #sabrinacarpenterhair
Maquillaje para foto de INE #creatorsearchinsights #maquillajetutorial #makeuptutorial #maquillajetips #belleza
makeup to wear to see sabrina carpenter on her short n’ sweet tour!💛🎤 inspired by @cutcreaser✨ - - @sugarpill buttercupcake eye shadow - @e.l.f. Cosmetics UK no budge matte eyeshadow stick in stellar, liquid eyeshadow in bling bling and XTNDR mascara - @Black Moon Cosmetics cancer lashes - @Sabrina Carpenter @Team Sabrina #sabrinacarpenter #shortnsweet #tour #concert #concertmakeup #makeupideas #makeuptutorial #makeup #mua #makeupartist #eyeshadow #eyeshadowtutorial #eyelinertutorial #Eyeliner
your sign to get Sabrina Carpenter tickets for 2025! 🩵💋 #sabrinacarpenter #sabrinacarpentermusic #sabrinacarpenterfan #sabrinacarpentertour #sabrinacarpentertour2025 #sabrinacarpenterconcert #sabrinacarpentershortnsweet #shortnsweet #sabrinacarpentershortnsweettour #shortnsweettour #shortnsweetdeluxe