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Well THAT escalated quickly!😅#babyonboard There’s not much I love more than surfing down a snowy mountain with this little girl and I can’t wait to keep this incredible journey going! #FatherDaughter FAQ & A below: Q. Why? A. Because sliding on snow is fun! We have no interest in grooming a competitive snowboarder. Snowboarding is something both Samantha and I are passionate about so when we became parents it became an amazing way for us to keep getting outside and spending time together throughout the long cold winters and the lessons learned over the years extend far beyond snowboarding. Q. How did you teach her? A. We started in the backyard at first and then began taking her to the mountain where we would ‘co-ride’ with her all over until she became comfortable riding on her own. There has been very little ‘teaching’ beyond quick learning moments sprinkled into our outings as we allow her to progress at her own pace. Q. Do you have any tips? A. Make it fun so that THEY ask to come back. THAT is success. For it to be fun you must nail the basics before they can ever focus on the task of trying to snowboard: nap, snacks, thermal comfort, no pressure upbeat communication are all important to make them feel safe and ready to try to slide down a slope standing up. Lower your expectations. This process takes a TON of effort and dedication from the parents(s). Give it time, go at their pace. If you only do a run or two and eat French fries and play in the snow and they are excited to do it again sometime then it was a successful outing. Lastly, get the @MDXONE backpack/harness. The retractable leash is helpful but the top handle on the backpack is a must for getting them on and off the lift and around the mountain when they are really young. Q. Where do you get the gear? A. She started on an 80 cm @Burton Snowboards ‘After School Special’ board/binding combo and size 8c Burton boots. Get the ‘riglet reel’ attachment so you can pull them around on snow or in the house. @Anon Optics makes a helmet/goggle combo called the ‘define’ that is great for young kids. The fun character snow suits are from @WeeDo.
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