The power of understanding proportions and silhouette. #invertedtriangle #boxybodyshape #flattering #boxy #doorbodytype #wideribcage #bodytypestyling #chicstyle #classystyle #bodytypes
90% of my summer wardrobe is in storage rn so I had to get creative w my winter clothes. #invertedtriangle #boxybodyshape #flattering #boxy #doorbodytype #wideribcage #bodytypestyling #chicstyle #classystyle #bodytypes #summeroutfits #warmweatheroutfit #hotweatheroutfit
The official tut! Was a bit tough to demonstrate this well so lmk if you have qs or want another vid. 🫶🏻#howtowalkinheels #kittenheels #highheels #stilettos #subwaygrate #nyc #styleadvice #howtowearheels
If you find this helpful I can follow up more of my outfit videos w explanations! #invertedtriangle #boxybodyshape #flattering #boxy #doorbodytype #wideribcage #bodytypestyling #chicstyle #classystyle #bodytypes
As I always say, comfort & style are not mutually exclusive!! #lazydayoutfits #comfortableoutfit #chicandcomfyoutfit #elevatedstyle #cuteandcasualoutfit #matureoutfitfor20s #puttogether #elegant #chicstyle