The first stunt is my favorite! I learned it from Hauppague back when I was in college and we demoed it during trails end camp the year following naming it the Eagle!! And then I put it into STUNT routines this year lol 😎 #cheer #cheerstunts #cheerleading #allgirlstunting #ucastaff
Just my opinion (per usual) but this is really aimed at coaches instead of athletes for rushing progression 👀 When I’m teaching trick baskets, there’s always a flip positioning that I’m looking for on the progression prior— if we can’t initiate a good flip off the bottom without traveling, adding tricks will only jeopardize the safety of the group! • Have a solid tuck open before an x out, ball x full, or arabian. • Have a solid pike open before pike split fulls or pike open fulls/doubles. • Have a strong layout before fulls, double fulls, and split/kick fulls. Every trick basket has a progression. “Just getting around” is NEVER enough to move on. :) #cheer #cheerbaskets #cheerflyer #baskettoss #cheerleading #collegecheer
do you get the concept bc it’s basically pulling through lib but it’s sneaky… me coded typa idea #cheer #cheerstunts #cheerflyer #cheerleading #ucastaff #allgirlstunting (stunt is a group back extension roll up pull through immediate grab pull scorp, pull arabesque?? J down lol— context is me always making my stunt groups try ridiculous stunts for my viewing pleasure)
I’m the worst tippy and even worse when I mid ❤️🩹 nothing will humble you more than getting your inversion taken out for a straight up lol 🙃 cute that my future husband was toe pitching me tho #cheer #collegecheer #cheerpyramid #ucastaff #cheerleading #cheerstunts
Me teaching stunts on video at 22 years old… we’ve come a long way 😭 we’re not going to talk about the eyebrow blindness or the fact that I sound like I’m reading a script when I’m not??? 😂 #cheer #cheerstunts #flyertips
Replying to @Chakadolls glad to be the 1 or two 🫡 having a pike open double is the best 🤍 #cheer #cheerbaskets #pikeopendouble #cheerflyer #cheerleading
there’s no love like the all girl coed crossover 🫶 my valentine is so talented!!! #cheer #cheercouple #cheerleaders #cheerstunts #cheerleading #ucastaff
the difference in brand discipline is crazyyy but glad I got to do both :) #cheer #cheerleading #allstarcheer #schoolcheer #collegecheer #sidelinecheer