ColorEyes immediately changes eye color in 15-20 minutes per eye. No more colored contact lenses. There are many color options at #coloreyes #eyecolor #keratopigmentation
ColorEyes to change eye color only takes about 15-20 minutes per eye. Risks are scratchiness and loght sensitivity for a few dats typically. #eyecolor #coloreyes
Low intensity gives a subtle appearance with the ColorEyes procedure and is personal preference. Other people desire medium or high intensity of the same color which gives more “tah-dah” impact. Again, its personal preference like bre@st implants - some want bigger, others want smaller. There’s no right or wrong. Just preference. More information at #coloreyes #eyecolor #keratopigmentation
ColorEyes is based procedures with a 16 year track record. There are 3 levels of intensity for each color - think of a dimmer switch for a room light - we can do low intensity (more subtle), medium, or high intensity (high impact). Information at #coloreyes #eyecolor #keratopigmentation
The ColorEyes procedure is about 15-20 minutes per eye and there are different levels you can choose - low intensity is more subtle affect, medium intensity is middle and high intensity is high impact. 16 year history of the foundation of this procedure.##coloreyes##eyecolor##eyecolorchange##keratopigmentation