I told my students I had a primary color themed birthday party last year and that I painted my nails the primary colors and they DEMANDED I painted one hand primary and the other secondary. Also a really helpful guide to show them the colors so I went and bought the secondary color nail polishes I can’t wait to show them off
Called in sick today 🤧 Also I’m not a man, I’m not a trans man, I am a butch lesbian who likes to be masculine this post isn’t to start debates about whether I’m valid or not. I am still a butch whether you think so or not 🫶
I’m so tired of discourse posting. It’s getting old. I just want to exist please. At such a high time of fear and prejudice, having to argue about my identity feels like child’s play. ENOUGH
Whenever I talk about my butch identity, this is the first thing that comes out of commenters mouths about my “invalidation” as a lesbian. Guys. It’s literally a joke I was called once and found it so funny that I had to make it mine. It’s quite literally nothing more than that please oh my god #butch
“Lesbians don’t do [this] they don’t do [that]!” SHUT UP THEY DO. LESBIANS CAN BE ON T, THEY CAN BE ON E, THEY CAN GET TOP SURGERY, BOTTOM SURGERY, HAVE FACIAL HAIR, THERE IS NO SET WAY TO LOOK LESBIAN!!!!!!! GOD. Trans lesbians are the most underrepresented in our community and I’m tired of the stigma of lesbian has to be white, pretty, cis women. There is so much more to us than that stereotype. Don’t ever forget that queerness was not meant to fit a cishet label, in itself its name is why we are different! And that’s okay!!! #lesbian#butch#queer
[SUPPORT TEACHERS. DONT LET TR*MP TAKE AWAY THE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT.] Being an art teacher and having your kids say “I want to show you my other art I’ve made!” MAKES ME SO HAPPY AND PROUD I COULD CRY I love being a teacher. Will never let anyone or anything take that spark away from me.
I’ll be honest here guys, with the state of the world, my mental health has plummeted significantly. More than it has in years. Especially when I just simply post about myself and my identity, I am fought back with transphobia, lesbophobia, and all the other hateful remarks. I feel like I’m under a microscope with how on edge I am being observed from others. Often feeling like all together just leaving social media due to the hate. Our community is about each other and uplifting one another. Fighting each other does nothing but set us back and give more fuel for our hateful counter parts who want us all eradicated. This piece was to signify the beautiful spectrum that is our community. How individual we all are and our uniqueness should be celebrated, not shunned. David Lynch was ahead of our time, I think about this quote often. I cried multiple times while making this piece, it was very therapeutic. I hate the state of our world right now. I don’t want to feel like an outsider in my own community and I don’t want anyone else feeling that way either. We need to do better with each other. Especially now. I love all my trans brothers, sisters, and siblings. Please keep fighting the fight. #trans #transgender #queer #transart #artist
Replying to @Ju$tin🍁 hilarious that this was said on one of the most tamest videos I have. Get it out of your head that there a few “bad” examples of trans people that “ruin it” for the rest of us. He doesn’t like ANY of us. Thanks