Let’s bottom water a few of my indoor cacti and succulents. We have the Birds Nest Snake Plant, Euphorbia Trigona, Cereus repandus, Christmas Cactus and String of Pearls - variegated 🌵🛁 . #bottomwater #cacti #succulents #BirdsNest #SnakePlant #Euphorbia #Cereus #ChristmasCactus #StringofPearls
10 different ways I water my houseplants, from the classic watering can to rain water to bottom watering to plants living in hydro full time. Find the full info of when, why and which plants I use these methods on on my YT No matter which way you prefer to water, please please please always use pots with drainage holes! . #Houseplants #PlantCareDay #PinkPrincess #Philodendron #BirdOfParadise #IndoorPlants #PlantASMR #PlantLovers #PlantParent #wateringplants #plantcare #plantchores #sundayreset #monstera #bottomwater #asmrvideo #bigplants #asmrvideos
And without the random song addition 😒 It’s a plant care day. 🌿 #houseplants #plantcollection #plantchores #asmr #plantcare #pilea #pinkprincessphilodendron #fiddleleaffig #plantcareday
Love houseplants? Make more! All these gorgeous full plants are from cuttings which were rooted in hydro, transferred to soil, and have grown out beautifully! We have the Pilea, Begonia, Philodendron, Fiddle Leaf Fig, Monstera and Spider plant. Which is your favourite?! #houseplants #plantpropagation #propagation #propagateplants #monstera #fiddleleaffig #begonia #philodendron How to propagate different houseplants.
I chopped and propped my Philodendron Pink Princess a month ago! Here is how it’s going. 🌿🌸Find the full how to on my YT (passthatplant) . . . . #philodendron #philodendronpinkprincess #pinkprincess #cuttingplants #propagationstation #houseplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantsofinstagram #plantlover #indoorplants #melbourne #PPP #philodendronfanatic #melbourneblogger #melbourneplantclub #pinkplants #philodendronfriday #pinkprincesspropagation
Wondering if you should chop your Fiddle Leaf? The answer is always ✨yes✨. One sad stem is now 7 happy growth points 🌿🌿🌿 #cutyourplants #fiddleleaffig #ficuslyrat #bambino #flf #ficus
Breaking! When you finally plant the propagation and it grows so well! I love a water propagation and often keep them in hydro for months, as pretty as they are - you won’t start to see real growth on a lot of houseplants until your transfer them to soil 🌿 #houseplants #plants #waterpropagation #fiddleleaffig #fiddleleaf #ficuslyrata