If you don't have any money motivation, then you either don't know what it does for you, think it's too easy or hard to get, or don't know what you want with your life. Let me explain. Money increases your ability to turn any idea that requires human action or resources into reality. It helps you do whatever you want. And if you didn't know that, you're welcome. Now you have a reason to want money. But if you think money is too easy to get, then you're going to get bored. So you need to take on bigger things. If you think it's too hard to get, then you're going to give up. So you need to learn to be proud of smaller money-making achievements that feel within your ability. And if you don't know what you want, then you won't have a reason to do any of this. To fix that start asking yourself what would be good for you and what would be good for the world and start trying to make it come true. And then you will care. #selfimprovement #money #finance
Imagine a life where every year feels better than the last. That’s what long-term thinking is for. It's not about putting off joy or living a boring life. It’s about making your life more fun tomorrow than it is today so that you don’t look back fifty years from now and think the frat party you had was the best day of your life. Learn how to make good memories that lead to better ones and you will have an amazing life. #selfimprovement #motivation #growthmindset