I’m sure lach has a lot of fans who would have loved to see this photo! Full story the newest ep of Mad About You available wherever you get your pods or via the link in my bio!
Is this an acceptable gift cause I’m under the impression that it absolutely is. Listen to our Valentine’s Day special now via the link in my bio or search Mad About You wherever you get your pods!
My husband and I both work from home so we share the load and I honestly cannot imagine having him leave weeks into fletchers existence and have to fend for myself?? But it’s most people’s reality? Guys are you ok genuinely
This might be the worst story we’ve ever encountered on the pod 😭😭 listen to the latest ep of Mad About You via the link in my bio or wherever you get your pods!
Guys if you haven’t listened to the pod yet please let this be your first ep. We go over the funniest pet peeves we’ve ever heard 😭 available now via the link in my bio or wherever you get your pods