Squat University
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30702Clasificación global
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Nuevos vídeos70
Nuevos seguidores15.39K
Nuevas vistas7.83M
Me gusta nuevos292.44K
Reseñas nuevas2.02K
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Squat University  Tendencia de datos (30 dias)
Squat University Análisis estadístico (30 dias)
Vistas promedio 7.83M Seguidores / Puntos de vista 0.2% -
Me gusta promedio 5.64K Gustos / Puntos de vista 9.84% -
Reseñas promedio 37 Reseñas / Puntos de vista 0.03% -
Participación promedio 263 Cuota / Puntos de vista 0.19%
Squat University Videos calientes
Spine decompression for back pain? Not always the right choice. @jemaeliza
How to fix flat feet with proper shoes & not arch support @BRANDO @Travis_Ortmayer
She built muscular legs! (avarose.fit/IG) #Fitness @Muscle and Motion
Disadvantages of chest day! (@Tsong Han Wu Velasquez) @Muscle and Motion @JPGCOACHING #bodybuilding #greenscreenvideo
Have hip pain? This recent patient of mine loves CrossFit & Olympic Weightlifting but couldn’t get into her start position for cleans & deadlifts with extreme pain/tightness in her right hamstring. She also couldn’t sit for more than a minute without that symptom - BUT the moment I gave her a band loop to put around her knees, it vanished! . This is because she was needed more hip stability to support her body & limit excessive compression on the sciatic nerve. . Shout out @Muscle and Motion for the amazing anatomy graphics used today!
Replying to @just_joshin_around1 How to fix Elbow pain if it’s Tennis Elbow @samokunola
Her squat was never comfortable because she had long femurs! (sidneyffit/IG) @Muscle and Motion
His serratus anterior was helpful for showing off his muscular back! (fadybakri/IG) @Muscle and Motion #bodybuilding
Have neck pain? Here’s something that may help! @Muscle and Motion
Do you Crack your back to relieve back pain? @Liam Donley
How to squat when you have butt wink that causes back pain! (@emerson🍭)
How to fix back pain. Not a random stretch or simple back crack! Assess - don’t guess. @Muscle and Motion
Have “tight hamstrings”??? Are they truly short or are you just experiencing neural tightness limiting your motion? Today I’ll show you a way to decrease neural stiffness and improve your movement capabilities all without stretching! . Shout out @conoverfamily for the opening stitched video!
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