What song would EAT in musical.ly? 🤔 This is if @Doechii's "DENIAL IS A RIVER" was released in 2017... 👀 #DenialIsARiver #Musically #Muser #Transition #ShadeQueen #TSW🐺
#stitch with @sukiyuu comment which country you're from! 🇮🇩 (ALSO, AMERICAN TIKTOKERS ARE BACK???) Collab with my 2020 self! 🥰 #ThenVsNow #Transition #Musically #FeatureMe #ImLegit #ShadeQueen
GO FOLLOW MY 2ND ACC @Sukiyuu's 2nd account‼️ Trying to #Transition without the picture trick 🙂↕️ sound IB @preludiacallista #TSW🐺 #TeamSushi #Lipsync @Khalid
Replying to @redhoneysugarorange FULL COLLAB AT @thesavagewolves 🤭💕 Context of the video: @The Cats Meow 🐈 🇨🇦 @Jessecat Transitions 2.0😼🇨🇦 has copied at least 8 of my videos frame by frame without giving me credit, also copied big AND small creators... went as far as using his original sound so people wouldn't trace it back to the original transitions, then copied our group's Christmas collab just recently. In 2024 alone, he has copied at least 20 transition videos, passing them off as his own, and has gaslit his audience by saying this app has never cared about giving credit where it's due. If he can steal our ideas for content, we can use his face for content. And eye for an eye. 👁️4️⃣👁️ Anyway, hope you guys enjoy the videos The Savage Wolves will make moving forward ❤️ xoxo, #ShadeQueen 👸🏻💋 #TSW🐺 #Collab #Sticky #AllShade #TylerTheCreator
Replying to @🥁 woah THANK YOU i haven't gotten 1M likes in a video in 5 years 😅❤️ glad to know you all enjoyed the video as much as I enjoyed making it 🥰 #TeamSushi