My go-to stairmaster routine to get SNATCHED 😗👀 20 minute beginner friendly version 👇🏼 1. 5 mins level 4 2. 5 mins level 6 3. 5 mins level 8 4. 5 mins level 4 #stairmasterworkout #stairmasterroutine #stairmastergirl #30minuteworkout #cardioroutine
75 hair-d day 40! gunna try heatless curls next and some of the tips you guys have been commenting (thank you ilysm) ❤️ #75haird #75hairedchallange #75haired #hairhealthjourney #hairgrowthjourney #damagedhairrepair
fr like how cool is it to get the opportunity to rebuild it any way you want?! #perspectiveshift #yogaquotes #splits #optimism #mindsetshift #wheneverythingfallsapart
macts (mac miller spitting facts lol) - dunno who needs to hear this but just listen 🙏🏼 #perspective #macmillerquotes #lovelost #yogaquotes #headstand #splits #perspectiveshift