I vividly remember filming this— I was on my last $2,000 in New York and it meant I had a month left of rent and food combined and I just needed to get it done. I had auditioned for the show once before and didn’t book it, and I had been auditioning for dozens of Broadway shows and nothing was sticking. BUT I never lost faith. I never stopped showing up. And I NEVER WILL. Contrary to what I’m singing in the song, I will NEVER stop at this dream✨ #meangirls #auditions #broadwaytour #musicals #musicaltheatre #theatrekid
Sometimes theatre is just about rolling with the punches and it’s always rewarding when you do! #legallyblonde #auditions #musicaltheatre #broadway #selftape #theatrekid
Tina is still one of the best musicals out there and I loved every second of this audition #tinaturner #broadway #auditions #musicaltheatre #selftape #theatrekid
(They don’t have the sound cut on tiktok) Ain’t nothing harder than trying to find consistency in a career that just ain’t consistent. Be it trying to have a consistent place to film auditions or a consistent audition regimen, there’s so many factors that affect the work we do and how often we are able to do it. Working for the entire summer post graduation and then nothing for 8 months was really a test of my faith and I thank God every day that it all worked out— and continues to😉 #hadestown #auditions #broadway #musicaltheatre #broadwayshow #theatrekid
You can see the growth in confidence in just my eyes alone. So thankful for the growth that happened that I couldn’t always see in the moment! STILL dreaming to play Middle MJ! #mjthemusical #broadway #michaeljackson #auditions #selftape #theatrekid
This career isn’t easy, especially on understudies and swings but it is always very rewarding in the end #meangirls #broadwaytour #musicaltheatre #meangirlsmusical #understudy #theatrekid
The journey is not linear, nor is it easy. As someone who was always able to have it together, the last two years proved to me that life wouldn’t always be that way and that I would still be okay. Every day, I’m thankful for the opportunities I did AND didn’t get because they all shaped who I am today and who I have yet to become! #theatrekid #broadway #auditions #actor #musicaltheatre #nyc