Replying to @Ari💖 YOU CANT TELL ME THIS ISNT THE BIGGEST @Dollar Tree THAT YOUVE EVER SEEN?! AND SHE WAS STOCKED 😍 #dollartree #dollartreefinds #dollartreehaul #newatdollartree #newatdollartree2025 #shopwithmeatdollartree #comeshoppingwithme #comeshopwithmeatdollartree #hugedollartree #dollartreehandsanitizer #dollartreebeautyfinds
Replying to @Dollar Tree you know we have to stop at my new favorite @Dollar Tree location when back in chicago. We indeed hit the jackpot 🤭 #dollartree #dollartreefinds #dollartreehaul #newatdollartree #newatdollartree2025 #dollartreebeautyhaul #dollartreemakeuphaul #dollartreenamebrandmakeup #hugedollartreehaul
Replying to @rikiyia_anise you know it’s gonna be a good @Dollar Tree haul when we have goodies from multiple locations 🤭 #dollartree #dollartreefinds #dollartreehaul #newatdollartree #newatdollartree2025 #dollartreebeautyhaul #dollartreemakeuphaul #dollartreebeautyfinds
#ad Replying to @maranda2223 #whatnotpartner if you love to shop like me, you need to get on @Whatnot 🤩 I seriously can’t believe this haul. My spring wardrobe is suddenly complete!! #whatnot #whatnothaul #springclothinghaul #springclothing2025 #thrifthaul #thriftfinds #y2kthrifthaul
Replying to @Lindsey🥀 you know it’s gonna be a great @Dollar Tree haul when we’re able to START with these hand sanitizers. There was sooo many new finds omg #dollartree #dollartreefinds #dollartreehaul #newatdollartree #newatdollartree2025 #dollartreebeautyhaul #dollartreebeautyfinds #hugedollartreehaul #dollartreeclothes
Replying to @honeygirl1429 you better get your keys and head to @Dollar Tree …I can’t believeee all these new beauty finds 🤭 #dollartree #dollartreefinds #dollartreehaul #newatdollartree #newatdollartree2025 #dollartreebeautyhaul #dollartreebeautyfinds #dollartreemakeuphaul #dollartreemakeupfinds
Replying to @cricket UMMM HAVE YOU SEEN THESE NEW @Jeffree Star Cosmetics HIGHLIGHTING BLUSHES….you’re gonna see me from mars babe 😭😭 SHES GLOWINGGG @Jeffree Star #jeffreestarcosmetics #jeffreestarmakeup #jeffreestarunboxing #jeffreestarhaul #jeffreestarhighlighter #jeffreestarblush #jeffreestar #jeffreestarreview #jeffreestarhighlightingblushes #newmakeupreview #makeupreview #makeupfirstimpression
Replying to @StacyBazilchuck you see this is 10000% my best @HomeGoods haul ever…I’m in disbelief 😭 #homegoods #homegoodsfinds #homegoodshaul #newathomegoods #newathomegoods2025 #homegoodshellokitty #homegoodshellokittyfinds #hellokittyvalentinesday #hellokittyeaster #hellokittystpatricksday
Replying to @StacyBazilchuck you see I wouldn’t say this is 1000% giving Hailey Bieber smoothie taste wise but it’s still delish! Have you ever been to @Kaleidoscope Juice ?! #haileybiebersmoothie #haileybiebersmoothiedupe #kaleidoscopejuice #azplaces #smoothietastetest
Replying to @lindsay 🤍 you see my moms actually the sweetest in the entire world. I was so surprised by this package 😭🤍 #openapackagewithme #valentinesdaypackage #valentinesdaygift #openapackagewithme #hugepackageunboxing #hellokittyvalentinesday
Replying to @lauren.pierce0 you are not going to believe all the new makeup finds at @Dollar Tree !! I am SHOOK 😳😳 #dollartree ##dollartreefinds##dollartreehaul##newatdollartree##newatdollartree2025##dollartreemakeupfinds##dollartreemakeuphaul##dollartreemakeupcollection##hugedollartreehaul
Replying to @Bazinga have you stopped into @Dollar Tree lately?! If not you need to rethink that bestie!! The finds are GOOOD 😳 #dollartree #dollartreefinds #dollartreehaul #newatdollartree #newatdollartree2025 #dollartreebeautyhaul #dollartreemakeuphaul #dollartreeskincarehaul #dollartreebeautyfinds
Replying to @StacyBazilchuck HAVE YOU SEEN ANYONE TALKING ABOUT THESE NEW HAIR AND BODY MISTS FROM @touchland ?! That mango one…10000/10 #touchland #touchlandspraymist #touchlandbodymist #touchlandhairandbodymist #touchlandreview #newbodymist #newatulta #newatulta2025 #affordablefragrances
Replying to have you tried this new RAINBOW HIGHLIGHTER from @Dollar Tree ?! Idk about this one bestie 😬 #dollartree #dollartreefinds #dollartreehaul #newatdollartree #newatdollartree2025 #dollartreemakeup #dollartreemakeupreview #dollartreemakeupfind #dollartreehighlighterreview
Replying to @StacyBazilchuck you can’t tell me the makeup doesn’t still look good!! For only $1.25 I am happyyy with the wear of it 😍 #dollartree #dollartreefinds #dollartreehaul #newatdollartree #newatdollartree2025 #dollartreemakeup #dollartreemakeupreview #dollartreemakeupfinds #dollartreefoundation #dollartreefoundationreview #makeupweartest
Replying to @🌺Megan Lynn🌺|Content Creator you see I was just trying to celebrate a year away from a man and ofc a man wants to follow me 😭 I’ll post a whole Storytime cause it was scary #shopwithme #nobudgetshoppingspree #nobudgetshopping #shopatthemallwithme #mallshopping #1yearbeingsingle #singleanniversary #alwaysbealert
Replying to @Crazynursemom have you seen any of these new @Dollar Tree beauty finds?! Full shop with me is on tube of you 😂😭 #dollartree #dollartreefinds #dollartreehaul #newatdollartree #newatdollartree2025 #dollartreemakeupfinds #dollartreebeautyfinds #shopwithmeatdollartree #comeshoppingwithme
Replying to @sam_jam_27 you can’t tell me these new @Dollar Tree lip glosses aren’t giving rare beauty. And that pigment?! I’m shook 😳 #dollartree #dollartreefinds #newatdollartree #newatdollartree2025 #dollartreemakeup #dollartreemakeupreview #dollartreemakeupfinds #dollartreerarebeauty #dollartreelipglossreview
Replying to @sunniesunfl0wer have you seen these new disposable face towels at your @Dollar Tree ?! 100% giving a dupe for the clean skin club ones!! #dollartree #dollartreefinds #dollartreebeautyfinds #dollartreebeautyreview #newatdollartree #newatdollartree2025 #dollartreeskincarefinds #dollartreeskincarereview
Replying to @Helena_CBlackmon94 you and I haven’t tried new @Dollar Tree skincare in a while…let’s change that!! I will say we found some GEMS 🤩 #dollartree #dollartreefinds #dollartreehaul #dollartreeskincare #dollartreeskincarereview #dollartreeskincarefinds #newatdollartree #newatdollartree2025 #onedollarskincare